Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Took Beaudreaux to the vet today to make sure he was not sick. He is good. He was so sweet that the nurse took his picture before he had to have his final shots. We are now good to go until November. WooHOOOO!!!! He is sound asleep in his kennel now. Going to the doctor is exhausting for a baby, ya know?
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Monday, June 20, 2011

You Can't Drink All Day If You Don't Start in the Morning by Celia Rivenbark

Started this earlier today and it is hilarious! I love Southern humor and sarcasm and this book drips with both. It also has some great recipes in it. I am going to try a couple of them this week. They sound really yummy. I hope to finish this tonight before I go to sleep but I may finish it tomorrow instead.

Well I ended up going to sleep last night so I finished it this morning. It is a hoot! I read a lot of negative reviews from people who did not find it amusing or did not understand the humor. I guess you just have to be able to relate. I have three girls. One is almost 15 and the other two are 11 and 9. So I understand the school issues and the disease spreading by other kids who come to school sick and make mine sick. I understand the school projects and the never ending fundraisers and all that. I can relate to so much of it.

I have also heard people say that Rivenbark is not laughing with Southerners but AT them. For those people I ask you--- Have you seen some of these people around the South lately? Holy smokes! I have to laugh at them too. Otherwise I would curl up in a ball and worry that my kids someday might be reduced to dating guys like that. Sometimes you do have to laugh AT them. People in the south are most certainly a different breed and if you don't get them, you don't get them.

My favorite chapter was 18 when she was talking about her dad. I know how hard it is to take care of someone who is slipping in the memory department and how hard it is to deal with that sometimes. But there are always lessons to be had, even in those hard, dark places. I love how she took her "dad" for a walk and was not ashamed to tell everyone she met what was in the urn. :)

Now this is not a book for the fainthearted or for those who cannot stand harsh words and stong language. It is a bit raunchy and trashy but that is what makes it so funny in part. Also, the recipes sound so good. I am going to try the pecan pie later this week. All in all a super funny book. Don't read it if you are easily offended by "green" bashing or don't want to hear her opinion of Gwyneth Paltrow's advice to all the lowly folks of the world. I loved it!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer

Wow! That is the only thing that comes to mind. I sat down with this book last night before bed and with the exception of stopping to sleep for 20 minutes before I had to leave for church this morning, I have not stopped. I ran home from church to finish it after lunch and had to post this as soon as I could. This book was so amazing. It is a testament to human survival and endurance. I have never understood the need to conquer a mountain and climb to the top just because it was there. But the people in this book had that drive and need to climb Mt. Everest all the way to the top. The story that unfolds is tragic and awful and at times I found myself wanting to shout "no, stop! go back and don't go on!" But that would make no difference now to them. I finished it a little bit ago and I can honestly say I am exhausted. NOT because I did not sleep last night- that is fairly common. But exhausted because this story is emotionally draining and all encompassing. Great book!

[book:Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster|1898]

Monday, June 13, 2011

The King's Speech

It finally came from Netflix and we sat down to watch it Friday night. I was not thrilled to watch it quite honestly. When you hear so much hype about a movie it is bound to be a letdown right? Nope. Not this one. This was a SUPER movie. It was sad and touching and had lots of spots of humor mixed in. Just little one line zingers mostly. But it was a great movie. I was really glad we watched it. The actors melded well together and all worked well off of one another. I would definitely recommend it to anyone to watch.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

33 A.D.

This was an odd book. I tried to NOT view it with a religious eye but it was hard since I know the story of Jesus' death. It is told from the other side- from the Roman army side WITH A TWIST! DO NOT read this book if you are easily offended by supposition, fiction, horror, or anything that you might view as blasphemy. That being said, it was not a bad book. Vampires (old vampires) play a huge role in the death of Christ but it is done behind the scenes so that when it plays out, the Jews look like the guilty party. Without giving away too much, it was somewhat gory in parts and sad in parts. The only thing I found lacking was the ending. It was left open- perhaps for a sequel? I don't know. But I did finish it with about 100 questions and I really wanted it not to end just yet.

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Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

This was a super quick read. As in, I started it at 7:00 this morning and it is 9:30 now and I just finished it. And that was with several long interruptions. But it was a really good book. It took me a few minutes to get into the flow of the writing style but then it just took off. I could sympathize with the feelings of immense loss that Mikagi and Yuichi felt at every turn. I felt so many of those same feelings when my father died suddenly. I loved the journey that they took together to find love. It was strange and convoluted and so me. I could definitely relate to this book. Great read.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

End of Year

Well, today is Wednesday, June 1, 2011.  That means that tomorrow is the last day of school for students and  Friday will be the last day for teachers at Ryan School.  I have been cleaning out cabinets and cupboards and filing cabinets and drawers like crazy today.  Tammy helped me out SO much today going through stuff.  I could not have done it without her.  I still have a lot to do but with her helping me tomorrow I will be way ahead of the curve and hopefully have time to get it all done early in June so I am not working up to the very last minute.