Wednesday, August 8, 2012

1001 Movies to Watch Before you Die

Since I spend so much of my time sitting and waiting for something to do and since Netflix is so easy and actually available to stream at my desk, I started on the list of "1001 Movies to Watch Before you Die" as a little stupid project.

I started it today and my first movie to watch was......

"An Andalusian Dog" which was done by Salvador Dali around 1928.

What an odd film.  It is a short 16 minutes and kind of put into silent film some of the pictures in Dali's head.  He still kind of freaks me out but I have always liked his art.  Black and white and grainy but it starts with the picture of a man slicing into a woman's eyeball with a straight edge razor and is random and strange.  Kind of whimsical and demented at the same time.

I give it 4 stars out of 5 solely for the artistic quality and the fact that it was Dali.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Catching Fire

Took me a day and a half at work to finish this one and again, it was a super book!  My attention never wavered and I was reading as fast as I could to see what would happen next.  I loved how the Tributes banded together from the start to pull off an uprising without even realizing they were part of it.  I knew something was brewing though and was so anxious to find out what it was.  I enjoy seeing Katniss starting to realize that she DOES have very strong feelings for Peeta and seeing the relationship grow into a real one is interesting.  Very good book.  Will start the last one tonight and probably have to stay up all night so I can finish it.